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캐나다 이모저모/캐나다 이민103

(캐나다 이민) 캐나다의 Tip 문화 – 언제, 얼마의 Tip을 주어야 할까? (캐나다 이민) 캐나다의 Tip 문화 – 언제, 얼마의 Tip을 주어야 할까? https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/tipping-etiquette-when-and-how-much-it-s-appropriate-to-tip-1.6044669 Tipping etiquette: When and how much it's appropriate to tip With restaurants across the country open for in-person dining again, some Canadians might wonder if the societal rules for tipping have changed in the last two-to-three years. To help clarify t.. 2022. 8. 30.
(캐나다 이민) 가장 많은 여행객이 방문하는 캐나다 도시 순위? (캐나다 이민) 가장 많은 여행객이 방문하는 캐나다 도시 순위? https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/10-of-the-most-visited-canadian-cities-and-why.html 10 Of The Most-Visited Canadian Cities And Why Canada sees thousands of visitors arrive each year, those who want to experience what the country has to offer. Here are some of the most-visited cities in this country. www.worldatlas.com 이제 올 2022년 여름 휴가철이 끝나가고 있는데요, 이곳 나이아가라.. 2022. 8. 30.
(캐나다 이민) 캐나다 기준금리 1% 인상하여 2.5%로 (캐나다 이민) 캐나다 기준금리 1% 인상하여 2.5%로 https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/bank-of-canada-rate-hike-1.6518161 Bank of Canada hikes rate to 2.5%. Here's what it means for you | CBC News The Bank of Canada raised its benchmark interest rate by the largest amount in more than 20 years on Wednesday, sharply increasing the cost of borrowing in an attempt to rein in runaway inflation. www.cbc.ca 금리인상 1% 캐나다는 7월.. 2022. 7. 14.
(캐나다 이민) 캐나다의 살기 좋은 Best Small Cities Top 10? (캐나다 이민) 캐나다의 살기 좋은 Best Small Cities Top 10? https://globalnews.ca/news/8970326/best-canadian-small-cities-victoria-kelowna-bc-resonance/ Victoria and Kelowna, B.C., ranked top 2 small cities in Canada | Globalnews.ca The inaugural list of the "top-performing Canadian cities with populations under 200,000" is based on 32 factors, ranging from culinary experiences to flight connections. globalne.. 2022. 7. 12.