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캐나다, 9월 7일부터 백신접종 완료한 모든 사람들에게 격리없는 국경 개방 예정 캐나다, 9월 7일부터 백신접종 완료한 모든 사람들에게 격리없는 국경 개방 예정 https://www.cicnews.com/2021/07/canada-announcing-updates-to-border-measures-today-0718648.html#gs.6bsr1q Canada reopening border to fully vaccinated tourists Canada is reopening the border to fully vaccinated tourists this summer. www.cicnews.com 캐나다는 오늘 (7월 19일) 백신접종을 완료한 모든 사람들이 곧 캐나다에 입국할 수 있을것이라고 발표하였네요. ​ 새로운 규정 요약: 1. 백신접종을 완료한 미국 입국인들은 8월 9일부로.. 2021. 7. 26.
9월부터 국경 개방을 예정중인 캐나다 9월부터 국경 개방을 예정중인 캐나다 https://www.cicnews.com/2021/07/canadas-border-could-open-to-all-fully-vaccinated-tourists-in-september-0718636.html#gs.6mxs96 Canada’s border could open to all fully vaccinated tourists in September Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office is saying the Canada-U.S. border could start opening to fully vaccinated tourists in mid-August, and by early September for all other coun.. 2021. 7. 17.
7월 5일부터 시행되는 캐나다 입국 규정 정리 https://www.cicnews.com/2021/07/canadas-travel-rules-at-a-glance-0718527.html#gs.5236xf Canada’s travel rules at a glance Canada’s first phase of easing travel restrictions begins today, July 5. As of 12:01 a.m. Eastern, fully vaccinated travellers who are exempt from border restrictions can now skip quarantine. They also do not have to do day-eight testing. Those arriving www.cicnews.com 7월 5일부.. 2021. 7. 7.